Monday, 15 December 2008

new skills

sam is a very clever dog, quickly getting the hang of new commands. this may have lead me to progressing too fast, so that many of the commands don't become firmly established or he gets them mixed up. i'm backing off a little, training the important stuff, recall and silence, much more slowly. today, we got him to be quiet for a short while when tied up at the playground, and to come back on a lead when walking by the river. hooray!

but one ability which sam has picked up and developed is playing with toys. when he first got his pink squeaky ball, he would chase it a little, but shortly afterwards it would end up under the sofa. now he leaps, pounces, throws it in the air and chases it around the room, before lying down to gnaw on it, emitting happy squeaks. i think he really got the point after we bought him a pig that goes "onk".

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