Tuesday, 2 December 2008

the bitter pill

so, nice mr. vet gave sam a course of antibiotics and three deworming tablets. after i arrived home, i tried giving the antibiotics to him by placing them in his dry food. the hungry dog was suddenly totally uninterested in dry food. i then alternately tried tricking him to eat them along with some treats ("schmackos"), or shoving them down his gob (luckily, in this case, he doesn't know the meaning of biting). howling like in the nether circles of dog hell and strong rabbit behaviour, i.e. wriggling away and running off fast, ensued. it took a good while before he would come back in from the garden, even the wellbeloved schmackos didn't tempt.

this put me in a bout of despair, until i realised a bit later that the pills could be crushed and mixed with a nice meat mash we had in store. this time, the bowl was licked clean of food and medicine.

that still left the dewormers. these tablets seemed bigger, and i didn't have that much mash to mix with. what to do? the vet had said i might be able to give them directly, and the package did say something about "flavour". so i tried with one. the dog, no longer suspicious of my feeding intentions, sniffed, licked, and gobbled it up like candy. the second tablet went down fast as well. by the third one, sam had lost interest, repeatedly "losing" it and only sniffing at it when it lay on the floor. i steeled myself, and forced it into his mouth as gently as i could. it disappeared. the deed was done.

that only leaves a lot of grinding and mashing (but hopefully no gnashing) over the nex few days...

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