Sam's out in the garden, investigating barks from the house next door. some new people have just moved in, and they appear to have a dog -- as well as a cat, a white one which showed up outside the other night as we let Sam out and was unusually calm around such a big, monstrous dog.
unlike the cat, we've barely caught a glimpse of the dog, and heard little from it. until today. it seems to be saying "woe! ay am bored and lonely," poor thing. well, there's not much we can do about that, although i'm sure Sam would love to entertain it. fortunately, he tends towards the strong and silly type, so he'll run up and down the garden a bit, jumping on the fence if he's very intrigued, but he won't bark back.
photo Through the fence (cc-by-nc-sa) by Chromewavesdotorg.
Ah the dog just wants a furend.
yes. perhaps it would be happier if it had a blog? it has worked wonders for Sam, after all.
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