One time a dog was in for a surgical procedure, and it was noted to have a very large mat behind each ear. We shaved them off [...]. The owner was enraged. They thought that the mats were extra ears, and that their dog had a unique mutation that made for four ears. I ask you. Did they not notice that in its original form the dog only had the normal number of ears? Did they think their dog just suddenly decided, as an adult, to grow more ears? It's not a starfish. It's a dog, and dogs don't spontaneously grow extra ears.

this last statment, i am quite ready to believe. but don't try telling me that dogs may not suddenly shoot laser beams from their eyes!
This is hilarious! We love the eye beamz pikture! We are 2 Maltese dogs and LoLLy is a rescue. We just stumbled across your blog and we are so glad we did. Thank you for helping to put out the rescue word! We will subscribe and look forward to helping to pass along information that we can post at our website too. Love, your PaLs, LuLu and LoLLy!
PS! It's us again! you might enjoy our music video that we made to give to shelters since we had the resources to do it, so that shelters would have a happy video to promote the rescue message!
Thanks again for what you're doing! Love again, still your PaLs, LuLu and LoLLy!
That photo is fantastic! He's like a space traffic warden.
thanks to you both. hmm, catchy song & incredibly fetching rockstar dogs!
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