Monday, 12 January 2009

sad squeeze

FAMILY pets are becoming the forgotten victims of the economic squeeze as animal shelters see a massive rise in those abandoned. ... some people who have lost their homes have been slumming it out in their cars to hold on to animals because of restrictions in rented accommodation. WalesOnline

the telegarph reports that pretty much all rescue centres and council facilities (pounds) are filled to overflowing. in addition to the animals that would normally get surrendered because of owner death, family breakups and failure to cope, many families are simply forced to give up their pets by economic reasons. most rented accommodation, for instance, does not allow dogs.

we had an inkling it was going to become bad for dogs when the recession hit, which was one additional reason to adopt sam. now i wish we could take another... but it would merely be a drop taken from an ocean. our best bet would be that the dogs trust were successful in making more landlords accept pets. but you need a lot of dog's trust to believe that's going to happen.

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